Iman is a Brooklyn based actress living her best goddamn life right now. Her cosmic identity is comprised of a Capricorn sun, Cancer rising and Libra moon. Upon graduating from NYU, she decided to put her Journalism & Africana Studies degrees to good use by becoming an actor. When asked, she said most people would describe her as a cross between a Type A mystical witch and Harriet Tubman.

The former Homecoming Queen spends an unhealthy amount of time googling things that white people say like Kombucha, Steampunk and the phrase, Gosh Darnit.

Iman is currently waiting to be cast in Curb Your Enthusiasm or as a Marvel Superhero. So someone, if you are reading this, please make that happen. And lastly, her secret dream is to start an adult lady double dutch team. It will not be creepy at all.

When she isn’t performing spell work, you can find her on UCB’s stage with her Maude Team, Garrett Newstand.

Recent Credits:

•Commercial Credits: The Home Depot, Kohls, Dropbox, Verizon, & Olay.
•TV Credits: “Crashing” (HBO), “Jack & Triumph” (NBC Universal/Cartoon Network).
•Web: Frank & Lamar (IFC), High Herstory


I love how ACTING allows me to SHAPESHIFT into different characters. My Vibe on screen is typically grounded, vulnerable, yet quirky & if I’m allowed, deadpan. I’m a very physical actress. Used to be a dancer. About once a year I do some pirouettes in my friend’s kitchen in Bushwick because she has nice floors.  And I would love to play a superhero & do my own stunts. My focus is on Film/Digital/TV...but I loveeee me a good, well-written, full-bodied, tear-jerking, mind-bending, play.

ASTROLOGY is another passion of mine because working WITH the stars rather than against them is helping me to heal & achieve my goals with divine celestial intention. Not a day goes by without me pulling somebody’s chart. Working with the MOON is at the Heart of my practice right now. Oh and uh, I’m a Cap Sun. LIbra Moon. Cancer Rising. Those are very important deets. Very.

Right now, the COSMIC LESSON I’m learning/working on is honoring the fact that I create my own reality & am Manifesting every second whether I’m conscious of it or not. One more thing, I will figure out how to time travel in this carnation.