High Herstory Premieres 4/20/21!
High Herstory
So hyped. High Herstory, a series in which I play JOSEPHINE BAKER, premiers on 4.20.21. I also had the privilege of telling the HERstory of StageCoach Mary.
High Herstory focuses on the intersection of women and weed. The nine episode season of High Herstory, a cannabis comedy showing the stories of nine historical womxn, normalizes cannabis consumption and showcases the best brands out there. It will premiere on 4/20/2021 on the fastest growing cannabis connected TV network, Social Club TV, to millions of viewers via top platforms Apple TV, IOS, Android, Roku, reaching the largest cannabis and hemp audience in the world.
Think Drunk History on Comedy Central but with women in history and marijuana replaces alcohol. It’s pretty legit.
Watch the trailer below!